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JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ERA TDL" a complete cycle producer/manufacturer of woven polypropylene package. Sacks, polypropylene sacks, woven polypropylene sacks, bags, polypropylene bags, woven polypropylene bags, FIBC, flexible intermediate bulk container, soft specialized containers from polypropylene fabric, polypropylene fabric (sleeve/canvas), sack closing thread, bag closing thread, polypropylene, equipment for production from polymers.
Always on sale   Contact details JSC "ERA TDL" (69008, Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya city, Zeyska str. 5).
Woven polypropylene sacks (bags)
Manufacturer news and articles
Flexible intermediate bulk container
Polypropylene fabric (sleeve/canvas)
Sacks (bag) closing thread
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